Who Owns the Media? There Are 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear and Read

We live in a society that is literally addicted to consuming media content.  Unfortunately, control of that content is dominated by just a handful of ultra-powerful corporations.  Back in 1983, the media industry was controlled by a group of about 50 large companies.  Today, the media industry is controlled by just 6 gigantic corporations.  They own television networks, streaming services, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many of our favorite websites.

Sadly, most of us don’t ever stop to think about who is feeding us the endless hours of news, sports and entertainment that we constantly ingest.  But we should.  The truth is that each of us is tremendously influenced by the messages that are constantly being poured into our heads.  We are addicted to the “programming”, and we just keep coming back for more.  Most of us spend multiple hours each day consuming media content, and many of us actually begin to feel physically uncomfortable if we go too long without watching or listening to something.

The six corporations that collectively control the media industry are Disney, Time Warner, National Amusements, News Corporation, Comcast and Sony.  Collectively, the “big six” absolutely dominate news and entertainment in the United States.  If the “big six” were a country, they would have the 26th largest GDP in the world.  But even those areas of the media that the “big six” do not completely control are becoming increasingly concentrated.  For example, iHeartMedia now owns over 1,200 radio stations in the United States, and companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook are increasingly dominating the Internet.

When you control what Americans watch, hear and read, you acquire a great deal of influence over what they think.

The content that they produce for us is called “programming” for a reason.

The power to shape our culture is the power to alter the future of our society.  We have witnessed seismic cultural shifts in recent decades, and the media industry has been the driving force behind many of those shifts.

These gigantic media conglomerates are much larger than most people realize.  Below, I have listed just a sampling of some of the media properties that are owned and controlled by the “big six”…


  • ABC Television Network
  • Disney+
  • Pixar
  • Disney Publishing Worldwide
  • ESPN
  • A&E
  • Lifetime
  • The History Channel
  • Marvel
  • Lucasfilm
  • Buena Vista Home Entertainment
  • Buena Vista Records
  • Buena Vista Games
  • Disney Records
  • Hollywood Records
  • Miramax Films
  • Touchstone Pictures
  • Walt Disney Pictures
  • Vice

Time Warner

  • CNN
  • HBO
  • Time Inc.
  • Time Warner Cable
  • Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
  • Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
  • Castle Rock Entertainment
  • CW Network (partial ownership)
  • TMZ
  • New Line Cinema
  • Time Warner Cable
  • Cinemax
  • Cartoon Network
  • DC Entertainment
  • TBS
  • TNT
  • America Online
  • Sports Illustrated
  • Fortune
  • Marie Claire
  • People Magazine

National Amusements

  • CBS Television Network
  • Paramount+
  • Paramount Pictures
  • Paramount Home Entertainment
  • Showtime
  • Black Entertainment Television (BET)
  • CBS Films
  • CBS Games
  • Comedy Central
  • Country Music Television (CMT)
  • Gamespot
  • Logo
  • MTV
  • Nickelodeon
  • Nick at Nite
  • Nick Jr.
  • Spike TV
  • The Movie Channel
  • TV Land
  • VH1
  • The Smithsonian Channel
  • Pocket Books
  • Simon & Schuster

News Corporation

  • Fox Television Network
  • Fox News
  • Fox Sports
  • Fox Business
  • Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
  • The New York Post
  • Barron’s
  • Fox Searchlight Pictures
  • Beliefnet
  • FX
  • The Speed Channel
  • Times of London
  • 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
  • 20th Century Fox International
  • 20th Century Fox Studios
  • 20th Century Fox Television
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Fox Broadcasting Company
  • Fox Interactive Media
  • HarperCollins Publishers
  • Harlequin
  • The National Geographic Channel
  • Tubi
  • Zondervan


  • NBC Television Network
  • Peacock
  • CNBC
  • NBC News
  • Bravo
  • NBC Sports
  • Comcast Sportsnet
  • The Golf Channel
  • Fandango
  • FanDuel
  • Oxygen
  • Syfy
  • Telemundo
  • USA Network
  • The Weather Channel
  • Focus Features
  • NBC Universal Television Distribution
  • NBC Universal Television Studio
  • Universal Parks & Resorts
  • Universal Pictures


  • Sony Pictures
  • Sony Pictures Animation
  • Sony Entertainment Televsion
  • Sony Music
  • Sony Interactive Entertainment (Playstation)
  • TriStar
  • Triumph Films
  • Affirm Films
  • Animax
  • Crackle
  • CSC Media Group
  • Columbia Pictures
  • Destination Films

Big tech companies such as Amazon, Apple and Netflix have started to produce their own content in recent years, but their content is nearly indistinguishable from that produced by the “big six”.

The primary goal of these behemoths is to make money.

So they aren’t going to do anything that will threaten their relationships with their biggest advertisers.  This is one of the reasons why large pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars on advertising.  They realize that executives at these companies will be desperate to keep the gravy train rolling, and so negative coverage of pharmaceutical companies will be almost non-existent.

Fortunately, an increasing number of people are starting to wake up and are realizing that the media industry should not be trusted.

In fact, a Gallup survey that was conducted in October 2024 found that only 31 percent of Americans have a “great deal” or a “fair amount” of confidence in the mainstream media to report the news “fully, accurately and fairly”.

The good news is that as the mainstream media loses credibility, the alternative media is growing.

Americans are starting to look elsewhere for the truth, and that has allowed independent journalists such as myself to flourish.

Of course the establishment has responded by aggressively censoring the alternative media, but now that we have a new administration in Washington that is anti-censorship, hopefully we will see some significant changes.

Every day, we are in a battle for hearts and minds.  Most of the population is still plugged into “the matrix” and still consumes endless hours of “programming” that is produced by the “big six”.  Meanwhile, those of us in the alternative media are desperately trying to get people to wake up and think for themselves.

Sadly, even most people that think that they are “awake” are still being very heavily influenced by movies, television shows and news programs.

The “programming” that they are constantly offering to us is so seductive, and very few are able to break the addiction entirely.



Taliban Defies Trump: Will Keep $7 Billion in Military Gear Left in Afghanistan by Joe Biden During Bungled Withdrawal

Piles of cash and rows of US military equipment Joe Biden and Mark Milley left the Taliban as the US surrendered in Afghanistan.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported – Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US weapons, armed vehicles, helicopters, ammunition, and piles of cash after Biden bungled his withdrawal from the country.

Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden surrendered billions of dollars worth of US military equipment to the Taliban.

In fact, Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program.

The Taliban later released video of the weapons Joe Biden left behind and a room full of stacks of $100 bills Joe left for good measure.

The Taliban posted videos of pallets of weapons and stacks of $100 bills they had seized.

Here is a more complete list of US-supplied and left-behind equipment now controlled by Taliban:

  • 2,000 Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAP’s
  • 75,989 Total Vehicles: FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans, Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles etc.
  • 45 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters
  • 50 MD530G Scout Attack Choppers
  • ScanEagle Military Drones
  • 30 Military Version Cessnas
  • 4 C-130’s
  • 29 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tocano Ground Attack Aircraft
  • 208+ Aircraft Total
  • At least 600,000+ Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50 Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
  • 61,000 M203 Rounds
  • 20,040 Grenades
  • Howitzers
  • Mortars +1,000’s of Rounds
  • 162,000 pieces of Encrypted Military Communications Gear
  • 16,000+ Night Vision Goggles
  • Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
  • Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Googles
  • 10,000 2.75 inch Air to Ground Rockets
  • Reconnaissance Equipment (ISR)
  • Laser Aiming Units
  • Explosives Ordnance C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
  • 2,520 Bombs
  • Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops all operational
  • Pallets with Millions of Dollars in US Currency
  • Millions of Rounds of Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm, 9,000,000 rounds of 50.caliber
  • Large Stockpile of Plate Carriers and Body Armor
  • US Military HIIDE, for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment Biometrics
  • Lots of Heavy Equipment Including Bull Dozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators

Much of the information included in the above list is public record.

But that was not enough.

It is as if we lost the war and now we’re paying reparations to the terrorists. You just can’t make this up!

In 2023, two years after Joe Biden’s famous surrender, the Taliban started posting videos of the fields of military vehicles the US left behind for the Taliban.

The Taliban also claimed the Abu Dujana brigade of the Al-Badr Corps had already repaired over 300 military vehicles and the vehicles are now ready for use.

And don’t forget the room full of $100 bills Joe Biden left the Taliban for good measure.

Earlier this week President Trump requested that the Taliban return the billions in US military equipment Joe Biden left behind in Afghanistan.

The Taliban declined the request, via ESSANEWS.

The Taliban do not intend to return the military equipment that remained in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of American troops. Donald Trump’s demand faced resistance, and recovering the weapons could be a significant challenge for the United States.

After the withdrawal of American troops in 2021, substantial armament remained in Afghanistan, including about 1,000 vehicles and artillery pieces, as well as an unspecified number of aircraft units.

Donald Trump has repeatedly called for the return of this equipment, conditioning further financial assistance to Afghanistan on meeting this requirement. However, the Taliban have decisively rejected these proposals.

In response to American demands, Kabul expressed the view that the United States should not only abandon attempts to recover the weapons but also support Afghanistan in fighting the Islamic State of Khorasan through additional supplies.


United States Is Crippling Itself With Climate Change Regulations, China Is Not

Maintaining a strong military requires a strong economy. And a strong economy requires reasonable regulations that make sense from both an economic and scientific viewpoint.

Unfortunately, many policy makers have bought into an extreme regulatory agenda driven by ideology that does not make sense scientifically or economically, that is harming both our economy and our military.

This agenda was on display at the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP29, held in Baku, Azerbaijan from November 11 to 22 of last year. The premise for the conference, and such agreements as the Paris Accord, is that man-made climate change poises an existential threat to human existence. Further it is claimed that even now climate change is wreaking havoc around the world and that regulations, mandates and new technology will slow down and even reverse it.

Those pushing these beliefs also claim that it is the duty of more developed countries to transfer 100’s of billions, even trillions of dollars to developing countries so that they can continue developing using so-called green technology vs. dirty old legacy technology.

Here in the United States, climate-change driven polities and mandates are being rolled out on the premise/claim that that climate change is even now disproportionately affecting the poor and disadvantaged. They also claim that man-caused climate change is negatively impacting GDP.

In other words, if you don’t support draconian climate-change driven policies and mandates you support a weaker economy and have a callous disregard for how climate change is hurting those occupying the lower socioeconomic strata.

These claims, believed by many in academia and the media establishment, have taken on religious overtones, and consequently there is little tolerance for opposing viewpoints in both academia and legacy media. Be that as it may, many scientists, engineers, and other knowledgeable, extremely bright people don’t believe the rhetoric and have provided convincing arguments debunking what they believe to be pseudoscience.

One such group of distinguished academicians is the Climate Intel group (Clintel). And one of the most distinguished members of this group is Nobel Prize winner Dr. John F. Clauser, who in August of 2023 signed the Clintel Climate Declaration which declares that there is no climate emergency. As of today, 1600 plus scientists and experts have signed the declaration, with Nobel Prize winner Dr. Ivar Giaever being the first signee.

The declaration states that climate science has become politized and is lacking scientifically. It notes that climate change models are fully dependent on what go into them including hypotheses, assumptions, relationships, parameterizations, stability constraints, etc. And that “to believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe [blind faith] what the model makers have put in. This is precisely the problem of today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science.”

Suffice it to say, the repeated failures of these models leaves plenty of room for doubt in the popular narrative on climate change. And given that the regulations and mandates aren’t actually stopping or even slowing climate change, we must question the wisdom of implementing regulations and mandates that cripple our economy and our military, even as China’ economy and military continue to expand unhindered by such crippling mandates and regulations.

Dioxide equivalent emissions from energy, process emissions, methane and flaring. Indeed, as compared to 2013, the U.S. has been able to reduce carbon dioxide equivalents by 8.5 percent even as it has massively grown it economy through aggressive drilling for and using cleaner burning natural gas, including natural gas from fracking instead of coal. During this same period, China’s CO2 equivalents went up by 20 percent to make China by far and away the biggest emitter of green-house gases (GHGs).

China also leads the world in plastics pollution, and only India beats China when it comes to the sulfur dioxide emissions (SO2) responsible for acid rain.

Of note, when it comes to SO2 emissions the United States produces about one-sixth that of China.

Hence, as of today if the climate change narrative is correct, it is China that by far and away that is doing the most damage and it the United States that has done the most to combat it.

Consequently, with the United States already leading the developed world in reducing GHGs and with huge chunks of the world producing GHGs and other pollutants largely unabated, it hardly makes sense for the United States to voluntarily cripple its economy and military even as China and other potential adversaries pay lip service to the climate change narrative.


Stay-at-Home Bureaucrats: Congressional probe exposes billions in waste from federal tele-work gigs

“The Biden-Harris Administration has ceded too much authority to the federal union bosses, allowing their preference to work from home to take precedence over fulfilling agencies’ missions and serving the American people,” Rep. James Comer said.

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee found Wednesday that vast numbers of federal employees tele-work from home, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars spent on office space, and the Biden administration has enabled such accommodations to continue during President-elect Donald Trump’s next administration.

“The Biden-Harris administration has ceded too much authority to the federal union bosses, allowing their preference to work from home to take precedence over fulfilling agencies’ missions and serving the American people,” the committee declared in a report decrying the continued widespread use of tele-work  since the COVID-19 pandemic ended.

The report’s release came ahead of a hearing held by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., on Wednesday called “The Stay-at-Home Federal Workforce: Another Biden-Harris Legacy,” at 10 a.m. Eastern Time.

The committee found the Biden administration appears to exaggerate the number of federal employees working in-office. The administration’s own data shows that as of last May, among “the 2.28 million federal civilian employees, approximately 228,000 are never required to show up to the office, and nearly all of the other 1.1 million employees technically-eligible for telework are engaged in telework.” The employees eligible for telework “were in the office an average of three days a week.”

Additionally, several agencies have telework-eligible employees who “collectively spend less than half their work hours in the office.” Employees who telework “must report to the office on occasion,” whereas, “remote employees never need to show up to work.”

Teleworking employees have roughly doubled since before the COVID-19 pandemic, and remote workers have jumped from 2% to 10% since fiscal year 2019.

“[B]etween September 2019 and May 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) went from 2 percent remote to 29 percent; OPM went from 7 percent remote to 40 percent remote; the General Services Administration (GSA) went from 6 percent remote to 50 percent remote; and the Department of Education (ED) workforce went from 2 percent remote to 55 percent remote,” the report reads.

Unused office space

In a July 2023 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report referenced by the House committee report, the federal agency “found that 17 of the 24 federal agencies used on average an estimated 25 percent or less of the capacity of their headquarter buildings.”

Furthermore, “Some agency headquarters reported occupancy rates as low as nine percent.” The U.S. government spends about $7 billion a year to lease and maintain federal agency office space.

During a November 2023 hearing with General Services Administration Administrator (GSA) Robin Carnahan, Comer said, “Federal agencies spent $3.3 billion dollars on furniture over the past few years apparently to furnish office spaces left mostly empty under maximum telework. Some agencies spent hundreds of thousands of dollars just on updating empty conference rooms.”

Carnahan herself “only worked at GSA headquarters in D.C. for 64 workdays—approximately one in four work days—from March 2022 to March 2023. She spent most of her time, 121 days, teleworking from Missouri,” according to the report.

Some Biden administration officials “collaborated with union allies to further entrench telework guarantees for portions of the federal workforce covered by collective bargaining agreements,” according to the report.

Last April, the Office of Personnel Management issued a rule “aimed to more deeply entrench the federal workforce by restricting executive discretion over the classification of federal employee positions,” the report reads. The rule does not include meaningful telework reforms and “seeks to prevent the incoming Trump Administration from holding ineffective bureaucrats accountable.”

Also, “the outgoing Biden-Harris Administration entered into long-term [collective bargaining agreements] with federal employee unions that limit management authority through unprecedented concessions, including guaranteeing telework for federal bureaucrats.”

For example, in late November, then-Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (SSA) Martin O’Malley approved an agreement with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) that “seeks to lock in minimum telework levels for 42,000 SSA employees until 2029.”

The agreement was reached after O’Malley announced that he would be running for Democratic National Committee chair and days before he resigned from SSA.

“Nearly all of the 58,875 SSA employees are telework eligible, and those eligible employees have spent only 46.9 percent of their time in the office,” according to the report.

“President Trump has promised to reform the federal workforce and bring federal employees back to their offices,” the report explains. “The Biden-Harris Administration’s lame duck political gamesmanship will hinder and constrain the ability of the incoming Trump Administration to manage employees effectively and responsibly, and to increase accountability to the public.”

AFGE released a statement ahead of the House Oversight panel hearing on Wednesday:

“As a preliminary matter, AFGE is compelled to note that the title of today’s hearing unfortunately distorts how telework fits into larger work practices and protocols at federal agencies in order to unjustly criticize federal employees. Hardworking, dedicated federal employees should not be derided as ‘stay-at-home workers.’ Our members perform vital roles in public safety, law enforcement, and health care – including providing care for active-duty military and millions of veterans. The majority of our members were ineligible for telework even when the pandemic was at its worst and no vaccines or treatments were available. Many members died of COVID during this period, likely contracted while performing their work for the American people. For many thousands of our members, it is thus bitterly ironic to now castigate the ‘stay-at-home federal workforce.’”

Report recommendations

The report lists nine recommendations for telework reform in the federal government. The recommendations are:

  • Base telework and remote work policies on achievement of mission outcomes, not employee preferences or union demands.

  • Establish automated systems for tracking the use of telework and remote work, and create clear, measurable metrics to evaluate its costs and benefits.

  • Impose more frequent and timely reporting requirements on agency-level telework, to better inform Executive Branch leaders, Congress and the public.

  • Use the White House and central management agencies to implement an enterprise-wide approach to telework and remote work that prioritizes the public interest. Do not permit a telework bidding war among agencies looking to attract federal workers that transfer between them based on which will let them stay home the most.

  • Align the federal property footprint with the government’s office space needs. Dispose of unneeded property and terminate unnecessary leases, while optimizing use of the space that remains.

  • Introduce and enact a new version of the SHOW Up Act, restoring agency telework to no more than pre- pandemic levels. Only permit higher levels at agencies that make a convincing, measurable case for doing so.

  • Consider legislation disallowing collective bargaining over federal employee telework.

  • Consider legislation that would open to renegotiation at the start of each new Presidential term all existing collective bargaining agreements with federal employees.

  • Consider legislation to pay all remote federal employees at the rest of United States’ locality pay rate, to encourage a broader geographic dispersion of the federal workforce, and to reduce cost to taxpayers.

“The lights may be on in federal buildings, but too many federal bureaucrats continue to work from home,” Comer said in a statement released Wednesday. “The House Oversight Committee’s investigation into prolonged pandemic-era telework reveals the Biden-Harris Administration has ceded too much authority to the federal union bosses, allowing their preference to work from home to take precedence over fulfilling agencies’ missions and serving the American people.

“President Trump was elected in a landslide to bring accountability to Washington,” Comer continued. “Our report not only identifies the many problems with massive federal telework but also proposes solutions to get federal employees back to their offices, dispose of unused and vacant federal property, and prioritize the needs of the American people over the wants of federal bureaucrats. We look forward to working with President Trump and his administration to ensure the federal bureaucracy is fully accountable to the American people.”


Jeffrey Epstein’s Estate Got a $112 Million Tax Refund

Above, the estate in the Virgin Islands

Jeffrey Epstein’s once vast estate — art, jewelry, lavish properties and investments — was meant to be drained by settlements to his many sexual abuse victims and payments to resolve other legal claims. But now it appears that two of his most loyal business associates, who are serving as executors of his estate, stand in line to potentially reap a big benefit.

At one point, one of those executors predicted the estate would shrink to less than $40 million from its original $600 million once all the payments were made. But after a $111.6 million tax refund from the Internal Revenue Service last fall, the estate’s assets have swelled to $145 million, a probate court filing in the U.S. Virgin Islands shows.

And with most large claims against the estate having been settled, that newfound cash isn’t likely to make its way to victims of the disgraced financier. Instead some of his assets could be distributed to the coexecutors, along with other beneficiaries chosen by Mr. Epstein before his death, most of whose identities remain largely shrouded in secrecy.

Court filings and depositions have revealed that beyond the coexecutors, who are Mr. Epstein’s longtime accountant and personal lawyer, another beneficiary is a woman who was Mr. Epstein’s girlfriend at the time of his 2019 arrest on federal sex-trafficking charges. But there are many others.

Mr. Epstein, who killed himself while in prison, had one brother, Mark, who says he doesn’t know if he’s among the beneficiaries. Regardless of who they are, the notion that this infusion of cash can’t be claimed by victims who have already settled their cases is frustrating to the women and their advocates.

“I think that it is morally objectionable for anyone other than a victim to benefit from acts of injustice or wrongdoing,” said Marijke Chartouni, who was sexually abused by Mr. Epstein when she was 20 and has already received a payment from the estate. “Victims continue to suffer.”

Representatives for Mr. Epstein’s estate declined to comment.

A college dropout, Mr. Epstein amassed much of his wealth by charging hefty fees for providing tax and estate services to a handful of billionaires like Leslie Wexner, the retail magnate, and Leon Black, the private equity investor.

Mr. Epstein’s estate has paid out about $164 million in settlements to nearly 200 people he sexually abused while they were teenagers or young women. The estate also reached a $105 million settlement with the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands to resolve a lawsuit over big tax breaks Mr. Epstein had received for businesses, and it has paid tens of millions of dollars in fees to lawyers and other professionals. It also repaid a $30 million loan.

The tax refund stems from an estimated $190 million payment the estate made to the I.R.S. in July 2020, based partly on assumptions about the value of assets that have since been sold for far less. Mr. Epstein’s mansion in Manhattan, for instance, sold for nearly $40 million below the asking price.

Tax experts said it was not unusual for the I.R.S. to refund money to a wealthy estate, especially if the executors overvalued some of its properties and underestimated the amount of its debt.

William LaPiana, dean of faculty at New York Law School and an expert on trusts and estates, said some of the refund might also be the result of the estate’s not knowing how much it would owe under the settlements that were reached after the $190 million tax payment was made.

David Boies, the well-known litigator who represented many of Mr. Epstein’s victims, said it was a “terribly frustrating” turn of events that largely unnamed beneficiaries of Mr. Epstein’s estate might benefit instead of his victims.

Mr. Boies’s firm is handling one of the last remaining lawsuits brought on behalf of victims — a potential class action filed against the estate’s coexecutors, Richard Kahn and Darren Indyke. Mr. Kahn was Mr. Epstein’s longtime accountant and Mr. Indyke his longtime personal lawyer. Both are listed as beneficiaries of Mr. Epstein’s estate, court filings show.

The lawsuit filed on behalf of victims who never received a settlement has accused the two men of “aiding, abetting and facilitating” Mr. Epstein’s sex trafficking. In court papers, Mr. Kahn and Mr. Indyke have denied the allegations and said they had no knowledge of his sex trafficking.

With the litigation against the estate winding down, much of the action will move to the U.S. Virgin Islands, where Mr. Epstein’s will is being probated. Once a judge reviewing the will decides there are no more outstanding claims against the estate, the remaining assets will flow into a trust established by Mr. Epstein.

The so-called 1953 Trust, named for the year Mr. Epstein was born, was referred to in the will he signed in a federal jail in Manhattan — just two days before he killed himself on Aug. 10, 2019.

Mr. Kahn discussed how much he expected to be left in the estate in a spring 2023 deposition previously reported on by The New York Times. He also testified that the 1953 Trust was a poorly drafted document and that it was unclear how Mr. Epstein wanted the remainder of his estate distributed. Mr. Kahn said the trust had many beneficiaries, but he declined to disclose them. He added that he didn’t expect to get much of anything from the trust.

The trust has never been made public, but a court document describes Mr. Kahn and Mr. Indyke as co-trustees in addition to their roles as estate beneficiaries.

The only other known beneficiary of Mr. Epstein’s trust is Karyna Shuliak, his girlfriend at the time of his death. The court document reveals that Ms. Shuliak is a potential beneficiary of $4.65 million of the estate’s personal property in Manhattan.

“People and entities accused of fraud and other crimes can use trust secrecy laws to their advantage,” Ms. Haneman said. “It is a way in which victims with judgments are victimized a second time.”


Warren Buffett’s frugal habits can help you save money just like a billionaire, but if you had billions is this the life you want to reward your efforts? NO!

In my opinion he is not someone to emulate; and Warren Buffett might have billions of dollars to his name, but unlike other celebrities and financial gurus, he prefers to live life simply, for the most part.

The investing icon practices what he preaches when it comes to financial discipline, saving and paying off debt.

Buffett gave an early warning last May about today’s higher prices when he told a livestream audience of over 28 million during Berkshire Hathaway’s annual meeting that “substantial inflation” was already hitting businesses.

When one of the world’s most successful investors raises concerns about rising prices, it’s probably a good time to apply some well-tested strategies to tighten your belt. Here are nine ways Buffett’s frugality can help you save and spend wisely.

  1. He lives in the same home he bought back in 1958

While most billionaires bulk up on expensive real estate, Buffett originally paid $31,500 for his Omaha, Nebraska, home — that’s about $289,000 in today’s dollars — and he’s lived there for over 60 years.

His home is by no means tiny, however. The 6,570-square-foot, five-bedroom house has had plenty of renovations and additions over the decades and is worth about $1 million today. It’s also protected by fences and security cameras and most likely has a good homeowners insurance policy as well.

Buffett has no plans to move out, calling the house “the third best investment I ever made,” in a 2010 letter to Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders.

  1. He rarely takes out loans

Buffett’s one-and-only mortgage was on a vacation home in Laguna Beach, California, that he purchased in 1971, although he certainly had the cash to afford the $150,000-listed seaside property.

He told CNBC that he took out the 30-year mortgage loan because “I thought I could probably do better with the money than have it be an all-equity purchase of the house.” He decided to use the extra cash on hand for shares in Berkshire Hathaway — the company that brought him billions.

Buffett’s point about not locking up capital still resonates. And if you own your home, you have options to free up some of your capital by refinancing quickly at today’s historically low rates before they rise this year, as forecasters expect. A switch may save you thousands of dollars a year.

  1. He buys breakfast cheap

While Buffett could simply have a personal chef cook him a gourmet breakfast, he often grabs Mickey D’s on his way to work. He says he doesn’t like to spend more than $3.17 on his morning meal.

“When I’m not feeling quite so prosperous, I might go with the $2.61, which is two sausage patties, and then I put them together and pour myself a Coke,” he says in HBO’s 2017 documentary Becoming Warren Buffett. He continues: “$3.17 is a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit, but the market’s down this morning, so I’ll pass up the $3.17 and go with the $2.95.”

Instead of going out for meals or buying a latte from Starbucks every day, make your own lunches and coffee. And when you buy online, you might be able to get a better deal with some help comparison shopping.

  1. He buys marked-down cars

Many billionaires and millionaires keep a collection of flashy sports cars and vintage models in their garages, but Buffett allegedly prefers fixed-up automobiles that he can acquire at reduced prices.

He upgraded from his 2006 Cadillac DTS to a Cadillac XTS for just $45,000 in 2014. “The truth is, I only drive about 3,500 miles a year, so I will buy a new car very infrequently,” he told Forbes.

Whether you opt for a brand-new car or a slightly used model, emulate Buffett by spending within your limit. That means you won’t want to go for the first loan you spot and should look around for better deals. A good habit is to do a quick check of auto insurance rates every six months.

  1. He doesn’t splurge on brands

Buffett doesn’t much care for designer suits or the latest iPhone model — he relied on his $20 flip-phone for years before swapping it out for the Apple smartphone in 2020.

Buffett avoids unnecessary spending and once said, “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.”

Park your funds in a high-yield savings account or in a diversified investing portfolio so the money can grow over time. Set aside your extra cash for an emergency fund or retirement instead of blowing it all on nonessential purchases.

  1. He doesn’t invest with borrowed money (anymore)

“I’ve never borrowed a significant amount of money in my life. Never. Never will. I’ve got no interest in it,” he told students at Notre Dame in 1991.

Although a young Buffett once borrowed 25% of his net wealth to buy shares, he warns investors against repeating the same mistake.

Even skilled stock traders will tell you borrowing to invest can be risky. And there’s no real need with investing apps that allow you to start with a small amount of money, like one that lets you invest your “spare change”.

  1. He does what he loves

Buffett credits some of his success to his passion for investing. “You have to love something to do well at it,” he says, urging people to take the jobs they love, instead of positions that look good on your resume.

Even if you can’t quit your full-time job to focus on the things you truly enjoy, you can certainly find the time for some affordable hobbies. Buffett himself enjoys card games and playing the ukulele.

And if you’re looking for a way to boost your income, capitalize on your skills and hobbies and set up your own side hustle.

  1. He finds creative ways to save

When Buffett’s first child was born, he converted a dresser drawer into a bassinet. For his second, he borrowed a crib.

“If you buy things you don’t need, you will soon sell things you need,” the billionaire says.

Take a good, hard look at your finances and figure out where you can cut down on. Get yourself a library card and borrow books and movies instead of purchasing them. Or try a budgeting app to monitor your spending habits.

  1. He uses cash, not credit

While most of us prefer the convenience of a credit card for our everyday purchases, Buffett uses hard cash.

He told Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer in 2019 that he uses cash “98% of the time. If I’m in a restaurant, I’ll always pay cash. It’s just easier.” While the method may sound a bit old school, relying less on your credit card can help prevent spending money you don’t have.




According to Powers Report, hybrids have worse repair records than EVs or ICE vehicles.

One of the biggest issues is the off-and-on of the engine and the lack of oil each time it starts after driving on battery power. It is the equivalent of a cold start each morning because the oil cools down and drains away from the critical parts.

Also, the oil does not get hot enough to boil the water out and thus becomes contaminated. In theory, it sounds great but in reality, the science is not there. An electric oil pump would help if it came on when the engine shut down but an oil heater would also have to be added both running off battery power. Are we starting to see the solution is ICE vehicles?


Rand Paul’s Festivus Report Exposes Fauci’s NIH Wasting Taxpayer’s Money on Barbaric Cat Experiments with Electroshock and Brain Mutilation

Credit: White Coat Waste Project

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has unleashed another scathing edition of his annual Festivus Report, a tradition that lays bare the federal government’s misuse of taxpayer dollars.

This year, Paul’s report shines a glaring spotlight on a deeply unsettling aspect of government spending—barbaric experiments on cats, funded by none other than Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DOD).

You can read the full list of projects here.

According to the report, $1.5 million of taxpayer money has been funneled into barbaric experiments at the University of Pittsburgh.

“If you learned that your money is being used to electro-shock young kittens, torturing them for hours on end, and to the point that they vomit, would you believe it?” according to the report.

It continued, “Since 2019, $1,513,299 worth of taxpayer money has been going to these medieval-type experiments. This is not some distant, dystopian future; it’s happening right now at the University of Pittsburgh, courtesy of a grant from the NIH.”

The experiments, ostensibly designed to study motion sickness, involve the torture of young kittens. These defenseless animals, some as young as four months old, are subjected to horrific treatment, including:

  • Electroshock therapy that causes uncontrollable vomiting.
  • Spinning them on hydraulic tables to induce severe motion sickness.
  • Brain mutilation, including drilling holes into their skulls and decerebrating them—leaving the kittens alive but completely devoid of cognitive function.

In these nightmarish experiments, female kittens are the preferred victims, selected because they are supposedly more “amenable” to the relentless, inhumane treatment they’re subjected to.

These kittens, often just four to six months old, are first trained to endure long periods of restraint. They’re kept tied down for hours at a time and for weeks on end.

The goal? To force them into submission so that they no longer resist the torture that awaits them.

Once sufficiently “trained,” these kittens are strapped to a hydraulic table that tilts and spins them in all directions—side to side, up and down, and a full 360 degrees, sometimes completing an entire rotation in just five seconds, all in a gruesome effort to induce severe motion sickness. As if that wasn’t enough, their eyes are subjected to bright,flashing lights.

And if the spinning and lights don’t do the trick, researchers inject copper sulfate directly into their stomachs to guarantee that the kittens will vomit.

In an experiment that can only be described as medieval, some of these kittens have holes drilled into their skulls, allowing the researchers to lock their heads into place during the spinning and shocking.  But these aren’t just ordinary cats—they’re “zombified” before the real torment begins.

Through a process known as “decerebration,” the researchers sever or completely remove parts of the kittens’ brains while they’re still alive. This leaves the kittens alive but devoid of any cognitive function, turning them into unresponsive shells that can be spun, shocked, and abused without resistance.

So, what’s the scientific goal here? According to the NIH, the purpose of these experiments is to study how different species, such as cats and monkeys, respond to motion sickness.

The researchers claim that understanding these responses could have implications for human health, potentially aiding in the treatment of conditions like vertigo or helping us understand the effects of space travel on the human body.”

DARPA, a division of the Department of Defense, also comes under fire, with Paul’s report exposing nearly $11 million spent on bizarre experiments at the University of Pittsburgh.

One project involved inserting electrodes into cats’ spinal cords to induce erections, followed by severing their spinal cords to paralyze them—all in the name of studying erectile dysfunction.

Another experiment saw cats subjected to electroshock therapy to address constipation. Researchers inserted “condom-balloons” and marbles into the cats’ rectums, a procedure Paul derisively refers to as “torturing cats to poop marbles.”

According to the report:

“Researchers at University of Pittsburgh sliced open the backs of male cats to expose their spinal cords then inserted electrodes which fired off electric shocks while the incision was still open to make cats have an erection.

But the horror doesn’t end there. These cats were then subjected to even more electric shocks, sometimes for up to 10 minutes at a time, before having their spinal cords severed to paralyze their lower bodies. And just for good measure, the shocks continued for another 10 minutes. All this, in the name of “science.”

If you thought that was bad, brace yourself. In another DARPA-funded experiment, researchers at Pitt attached electrodes to cats’ spinal cords and inserted condom- balloons into their colons and marbles into their rectums. The objective? To force these poor animals to defecate the marbles via electric shock. cxxvi One particularly unfortunate cat had to endure 11 minutes of relentless shocks just to expel four marbles. Apparently, nothing says “national defense” quite like torturing cats to poop marbles.

Your hard-earned money, nearly $11 million of it, was spent on experiments that would be more at home in a dystopian novel than the real world. It’s a grim reminder that, when left unchecked, government spending can drift into realms that defy common sense.”

The White Coat Waste Project, a nonprofit watchdog organization, first highlighted this waste, calling for an end to government-funded animal torture.

In 2021, The Gateway Pundit and White Coat Waste broke the story that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases spent $375,000 in taxpayer dollars to fund abusive experiments on dogs in Tunisia.

One of the tortures that the beagles were subjected to included locking their heads in mesh cages filled with infected sand flies so that the parasite-carrying insects could eat them alive.Read more:


From The River To D.C.: How Arab Countries Bought Up Washington’s Most Elite Neighborhood

The Gulf states are the latest foreign entities to buy up key real estate in the United States.

The protest targeting Secretary of State Blinken is set up directly in front of 600 Chain Bridge Road, pictured here. Blinken's home is across the street. / Daily Wire
The protest targeting Secretary of State Blinken is set up directly in front of 600 Chain Bridge Road, pictured here. Blinken home is across the street. /

Arab Gulf states have quietly and sometimes secretly purchased at least $282 million worth of real estate in Washington’s most elite neighborhood.

Situated high atop the banks of the Potomac River and overlooking the nation’s capital, Virginia’s “Gold Coast” has long been the home of America’s ruling class. Today, it’s home to a number of high-profile Washingtonians, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, whose home on Arlington’s tony Chain Bridge Road has been swarmed by an encampment of anti-Israel protesters since Hamas’s October 7th invasion of Israel.

But since 2019, a mysterious entity called 600 CBR LLC has been buying up property in the area, building up a compound that sold for three times as much as Jeff Bezos’ $23 million D.C. mansion. Though the buyers behind 600 CBR are unknown, the real estate blog UrbanTurf reported in 2022 that “the buyer is from the United Arab Emirates and that settlement documents confirm this.”

The embassy of the United Arab Emirates owns extensive property just down the block from the 600 CBR compound, and the compound’s primary residence is directly across the street from Blinken’s $5 million home. Since October 7th, anti-Israel protesters have been living in the narrow strip between the road and the LLC’s property, with their tents, signs, and buckets of fake blood just inches from its fence.

If the UAE is behind 600 CBR, it’s not the only Gulf State with real estate holdings in the neighborhood. Saudi Arabia owns a compound on one side of the 600 compound, and Qatar owns land on the other.

It is unclear whether the various Arab nations who own the properties are involved in the protests outside Blinken’s home, which The Daily Wire reported likely violate several state and local laws. The UAE embassy did not answer questions from The Daily Wire about whether UAE royals are behind the purchase, nor their stance on the protest outside Blinken’s home.

This map shows the site of the Potomac River’s “Gold Coast,” with foreign-owned properties highlighted at left, in relation to DC, at right. / Daily Wire

The Gulf states are the latest foreign entities to buy up key real estate in the United States. In June, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said that China was purchasing farm land near U.S. military bases to serve as launch pads for drones. Beijing has a history of acquiring American land, with one Chinese Communist Party billionaire secretly purchasing 200,000 acres of Oregon farm land in 2015.

Qatar’s efforts to expand its influence in the United States were on full display this week after Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was convicted of working to benefit Qatar while securing millions of dollars from a Qatari investment fund for his friend, who in turn paid him.

When a reporter attempted to knock on the door of the 600 CBR compound’s main building, he was intercepted by a Middle Eastern man in sunglasses who said in accented speech, “This is private villa…get out…please don’t ask questions.” Asked who owns the villa, he said “that is private, I cannot talk.” Shortly after, someone left the house driven in a black SUV.

Mortgage documents generally point to a property buyer’s identity. But 600 CBR’s purchase seems to have been made in cash, keeping all identifying information about the buyer out of public records. A transaction for just one of its parcels set the record for the largest residential transaction in the D.C. region’s history.

The articles of incorporation for 600 CBR LLC were signed in 2019 by Kathryn W. Hambrick, a lawyer who specializes in managing sovereign wealth funds, according to a Daily Wire review of state records. Hambrick did not return a request for comment on which country’s sovereign wealth fund may have been behind the purchase.

Whoever funds 600 CBR has plenty of company.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Embassy owns a $130 million compound that includes the historic Merrywood estate, the childhood home of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Merrywood was later purchased by AOL CEO Steve Case, and sold to the Saudis in 2018 for $43 million, the highest-ever home sale in the region at the time. It is next door to the home where Sen. Ted Kennedy lived until his death.

The Saudi properties’ combined assessed value is $130 million, according to Fairfax County real estate records. The ownership of some of the most expensive property in Fairfax County by embassies—even though the embassies themselves are in Washington—deals a blow to the tax base, as they are exempt from property taxes.

The Embassy of the State of Qatar’s nearby compound is assessed to be worth $20 million. The oil-rich nation has just 300,000 citizens—half the size of the District of Columbia—but recently counted 2 million residents. The vast majority of its residents are foreign laborers working in conditions sometimes described as “modern slavery.”

Qatar has been in the international spotlight since Hamas’s invasion of Israel. The terrorist group’s leaders operate out of Qatar, and the nation’s representative to the Arab parliament said “There can be no peace or negotiations with the Zionist entity.” Qatar has also enmeshed itself into D.C.’s culture by becoming part-owner of the Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards.

The $62 million worth of properties owned by the United Arab Emirates, mostly purchased in 2022, are also exempt from property taxes. If the UAE is indeed behind the 600 CBR compound, it would bring the UAE-connected holdings to an assessed value of $132 million.

One of the properties on the 600 CBR compound is “The Falls,” which was purchased for about $45 million in 2020 from AOL co-founder Jim Kimsey, making for the largest purchase in the region’s history, the Washington Business Journal reported at the time. It features 42,000 square feet of living space and a guest house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

It also includes a property, purchased for $23 million in 2022, that was home to former Virginia Gov. Chuck Robb and his wife, the daughter of former president Lyndon B. Johnson.

Standing yards from this enclave of the Gulf nations’ mega-mansions, pro-Palestinian protestors scream day and night at the United States’ top diplomat that the children of Gaza are starving.